Our approach
Building on a solid shell and core - Our first commercially sustainable retrofit of a premium building incorporating the next level of self-generation electricity and the implementation new-generation technology including a 87% solar ceiling and potential links of hydrogen power from the River Blackwater
Our services
Feasibility of Retrofitting
All investments require returns on investments (ROI) - Key Performance Indicators are required to assess the needs to tenants and their funders.
Execution with Collaboration
No one Contractor can provide the best in practice and the best in product, while also completing a project with the required 'best' of timing.
Our network of Contractors complete internal tenders with transparency on the tender process for the end user.
Calculation of Benefits
Pre-commencement, during project and post completion the benefits must be monitored, calculated and assessed.
The Sweet-Spot is the ESG goal of warehousing with the required investment specific to the individual project. One one building has one size fit all Sustainability programme.
About us
Located in Kells Business Park, County Meath, one hour and one minute from Dublin City Centre and forty-six minutes from the M50. Trio-Offices is creating a post development carbon neutral retrofit. Our 27,000 square-foot building will host brand new serviced and semi-services office.
Our offices aim to provide free-electricity to tenants be the end of 2026, including servers (limited per user) and car-charging via our AC chargers.
The core of our business will be based on the comfort of the users/tenants supported by the latest technology and sustainability.
Stage 1: Installation, internal airflow and solar gain. The power of data and the utilisation of servers for heat exchange. Our goal of utilising heat-2-air we incorporate a heat-flow exchange to assist the server heat loss to heat the building while utilising our internal ventilation system.
Stage 2: With a projected eighty-seven percent solar covered roof with large battery storage this will create a significant mitigation in consumption from the grid while retaining additional energy storage. In most cases the sale of energy to the grid does not meet the benefit of cost to withholding same via internal battery storage.
Stage 3: Hydro-Power and the power of the Blackwater River - Subject to Planning we intend to integrate our power management systems with a ninety kilo watt generator which will bring the entire building to a carbon neutral reading. While our AC chargers will be able to provide free energy to any electric cars. Our DC chargers will be able to provide fast charging to commercial vehicles.

Request a Sustainability Review
Do you have a commercial or industrial building in the Republic of Ireland that requires a sustainability review.